FOR EXAM.

      I.                    Choose the correct answer.

      1.     Which element contains definition?

      a)                 <dt>      b) <dd>               c) <dl>

      2.     Which of the following is an attribute of <UL>?

      a)                 Type      b) start                c) reserved

      3.     The most popular image format to store digital photograph.

      a)                 PNG       b) JPG                  c) GIF

      4.     The tag used to define table name.

      a)                 <th>      b) <caption>      c) <title>

      5.     It is used to play the audio file automatically once it is finished.

      a)                 Loop     b) Autoplay        c) Play

      6.     The ___ attribute of the <a> tag is used to set the URL of the target resource.

      a)                 Src                        b) href                 c) controls

      7.     Which sign lets the browser know that the destination is a named anchor within the

             current web page.

      a)                 @                         b) &                     c) #

      8.     Which of the following specify the color of a link when it is clicked?

      a)                 Active   b) Visited            c) Hover

      9.      Which of the following is a not a value of type attribute of unordered list?

      a)                      type      b) Square                          c) Circle

      10.      <td> tag must always be present inside this tag.

      a)                      <th>      b) <tr>                               c) <caption>

      11.      The space  between cell is known as

      a)                      CELLSPACING     b) CELLPADNG                 c) MARGIN

      12.      The specific rounded border to an HTML element.

      a)                      Radius                 b) Round            c) Corner

      13.      The CSS property that is used to specify space between border and content.

      a)                      Margin                b) Padding          c) align

      II.                   Fill in the Blanks

      1.      Comment are use to write noted about HTML document.

      2.       The <form> tag used to collect information from the user.

      3.       The web pages of a website are linked to each other using Hyperlink/ <a> Tag

      4.       A list inside another list is called Nested list

      5.       The <img> tag is an Empty tag. It has no closing tag.

      6.       By default link open in Current  window.

      7.       Hyperlink tie the webpages together in  a website.

      8.       The value of the height attribute is assigned in the terms of Pixel

      9.       An anchor or a bookmark in an HTML document is created using the herf attribute.

      10.   By default an unordered list item is marked with Bullets

      11.   By default ordered list items are marked with Numbers.

      12.   Cell Spacing attributes is used to remove the space between cells.

      13.   A collection of related item is called as Lists

      14.   border-radius property used to create rounded images.

      15. description <dl> list is used to group a set of related terms and their definitions.

      III.                 Answer in one word:

      1.       It is used when the item in the lists are not required to be in specify order? What it is called? unorderd list

      2.       It is a tag used to create textbox, radio button and check box on the webpage. What is the tag? <input> tag.

      3.       The tag used to draw a horizontal lines across the webpage. <hr> tag

      4.       Write the syntax to add an image to a webpage. <img src = " ">

      5.       Write the CSS property and value to display the table name at bottom.

           To display the table name at the bottom of a table using CSS, you can use the caption-side property with the value bottom. Here's an example:

        table {

          caption-side: bottom;


      6.       List some popular audio format that can be add to a web page.


      7.       src attribute used with <img> tag stands for. Source

      8.       alt attribute allows addition of alternative about.

      alt attribute in HTML provides alternative text for images, adding accessibility and SEO.

      9.       Name the property specify the bullet style that will be use as the type of the list item maker. list-style-type

      10.   Which tag is used to define an inline frame in HTML document? <iframe>

      11.   Which attribute specify the starting value of a number list. <ol> ordered List

      12.   This tag mark the individual list items. <li> tags

      13.   It can be used to comparative analysis of data in a webpage. table


      IV.                Answer the following in short:

      1.       Explain the importance of HTML?

      HTML is like the blueprint for web pages. It tells browsers how to show content, making websites look good on computers, phones, and more. It helps everyone access info online, helps websites show up on search engines, and makes it easier for developers to work together. It's basically the foundation of the internet!

      2.       What is the use of the type attribute in order list? What are the values given to it?

      The type attribute in an ordered list (<ol>) is used to change the numbering style of the list items. The values it can take are:

      "1" (default): Numbers the list items with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3...)

      "A": Uses uppercase letters (A, B, C...)

      "a": Uses lowercase letters (a, b, c...)

      "I": Uses uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III...)

      "i": Uses lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii...)

      3.       Why are frames use in a webpage? Which tag is used to insert frames in a webpage?

      Frame allows us to divide the webpage into several independent window allowing multiple view at a time. The <iframe> tag is used to insert frames in a webpage. Frames allow you to embed another HTML document within the current HTML document.

      4.       What is a list? Name three types of list.

      A list is used to present information in a structured format. There are three main types of lists:

      1. Ordered List (<ol>): This type of list represents a list of items where each item is numbered. It's created using the <ol> tag and each item within the list is defined using the <li> (list item) tag.

      2. Unordered List (<ul>): This type of list represents a list of items where each item is preceded by a bullet point or any other marker (usually a disc). It's created using the <ul> tag and items are defined using the <li> tag.

      3.Description List (<dl>): This type of list is used for defining terms alongside their descriptions. It's created using the <dl> tag and consists of term <dt> (definition term) followed by its description <dd> (definition description).

      5.       What do you understand by nesting of tags in HTML? Give example.

      Nesting tags in HTML means putting one tag inside another. For example:


        <p>This is a paragraph inside a div.</p>


      Here, the <p> tag is nested inside the <div> tag, creating a structure where the paragraph is contained within the division.

      6.       How are links indicated on a web page?

      Links on a web page are typically indicated by text or images that are clickable and often appear underlined or in a different color to show they can be clicked.

      7.       What is the use of src attribute of the <iframe> tag?

      The src attribute of the <iframe> (inline frame) tag is used to specify the URL of the content that should be displayed within the frame. This attribute essentially defines the source of the content that will be embedded within the <iframe> element.

      8.       What are the default visited and active link colors?

      Default visited link colors are usually purple, while active link colors can vary but are often red or a darker shade of the default link color

      9.       Name the attribute of the anchor tag that specifies where to open the linked document. 

      The attribute that specifies where to open the linked document in an anchor tag is the target attribute. This attribute can take different values to determine how the linked document should be opened, such as' _blank'to open in a new tab or window, '_self' to open in the same frame or window, '_parent' to open in the parent frame, and '_top 'to open in the full body of the window

      V.                  Answer the following (long)  03

      1.       Distinguish between internal CSS and External CSS.

      2.       What are two types of editors in HTML? Explain

      3.       List any three features of HTML.

      4.       Explain the term tag and attribute with the help of an example.

      5.       What is a table? How it is useful in a webpage?

      6.       What is the use of creating frames in a webpage?

      7.       What is the use of href attribute of the <a> tag? Give example?

      8.       What is hyperlink? Name the different kinds of Hyperlink.

      9.       Haw are comment useful?

      VI.                Answer the following  :  04

      1.       What is the use of button? Explain three types of buttons.

      2.       What is a link? Distinguish between internal and external link.

      3.       What are the use of submit and reset button?

      4.       Write the syntax for using list-style-type property.

      5.       What is description list? Define the different tags used to create a description.

      6.       Explain the term tags and attributes with the help of an example?

      VII.               Application based questions:

      1.       Rohan wants to divide his webpage into four sections? Which tag he should use to accomplish his work.

      2.       Ruchika was making an unordered list and she noticed that the item of the list by default started with numbers. She wants to use Roman numerals for numbering. How can she do this?

      3.       Write an HTML code to assign green color to link when it is clicked, orange color if link has been visited, and purple color when the mouse is placed over it.

      4.       Sabita wants to write mathematical equations in her web page. However, she didn’t find square button on the keyboard. How can she write it on her webpage?

      Sabita can use HTML codes or Unicode characters to represent squares on her webpage. For example:

      x<sup> 2</sup>  <!—It will display x2


      5. Rahul was creating a form for his school website. He wants to add gender field, where it will have two values and user can select only one from it. Which input control he should use accomplish his work.

      For a gender field with two options where the user can select only one, Rahul can use a radio button input control. Radio buttons allow users to choose one option from a set of predefined choices. In this case, Rahul can have two radio buttons—one for each gender option (such as Male and Female), and the user can select one of them.


        <label for="gender">Select your gender:</label><br>

        <input type="radio" id="male" name="gender" value="male">

        <label for="male">Male</label><br>

        <input type="radio" id="female" name="gender" value="female">

        <label for="female">Female</label><br>


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