FOR EXAM.

      1   Write a program                                              

      a)       Create pattern


                                   *            *            *

                    *            *            *            *            *

                                   *            *            *


      b)      Create pattern


                           1            2            3

             1            2            3            4            5

      1            2            3            4            5            6              7

                                   1            2            3            4            5            6            7              8            9



      c)       Write a C program to display the following pattern using nested loop.


      *    *

      *    *    *

      *    *     *   *


      d)      Which is the simplest computer network? Explain Network Interface Card.

      e)      Write a C program to find the summation of a series of number using an array.

      f)        Write a c program to store your name and your school’s name in two different strings. Display them one after another.

      g)       Find the summation of

      12 + 22 + 32 + ………. + N2

      h)      Find the summation of the digits of an integer

      i)        To store your name and mother’s name in two different strings, display them one after the another.

      j)        Explain the five categories of SQL commands.

      k)       Write a C program to display the sum of two numbers using a function.

      l)        Write a C program to find the summation of digits of an integer number.




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