FOR EXAM.

        1.       Answer the following:                                                             

        a.       Why host name should not be used to identify a computer in a computer network?

        b.       What will happen if we write a while loop with 1 in place of the condition? Try with a simple ‘C’ program.

        c.       What is the different between scanf() and get() function?

        d.       How many types of function is there in C program? Explain.

        e.       What is a global variable in C? Why we need such a variable?

        2.       Write any two limitations of array. Can you store your name and roll no in the same array.

        3.       Do we need to use same type of loop as outer and inner loops? Justify with some code segments.

        4.       Explain about network interface card (NIC).

        5.       Different between caller and callee functions? Write a small c program and identify the caller and callee function in it.

        6.       Differentiate between Library and user define functions.

        7.       Differentiate between caller and callee.

        8.       Draw a flow chart for calculating total number of even numbers from a series of numbers.

        9.       Show the different between do while loop and while loop.

        10.   Explain MAC address? Why it is called burned in address?

        11.   Distinguish between HTTP and HTTPS

        12.   Distinguish between Internal CSS and External CSS.

        13.   What are the two types of editors used in HTML? Explain briefly.

        14.   Define array. Why do we use arrays in computer programs

        15.   Write three advantages of loop.

        16.   Differentiate between LAN and MAN.

        17.   Explain the demerits of array.

        18.   Explain MAC address. Why is it called burned – in address?

        19.   What is computer network? How can you classify network based on the connecting technology? Give one example of WAN.

        20.   Draw a flow chart to calculate and display summation of 10 integer number using loop.

        21.   Do you need to use only one type of loop in a C program? Justify your answer by writing a C program.

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