FOR EXAM.

      1.       Answer the following Short:                                                            

      a.       What is HUB?

      b.       What is called function?

      c.       What does the printf() function do?

      d.       What is the purpose of print command?

      e.       Name the portion of loop.

      f.        What do you mean by array? How to create / declare an array?

      g.       What is the different between POP and SMTP?

      h.       What are user define function?

      i.         Explain for loop with and example.

      j.         Name two files which are now commonly used to store files in cloud storage.

      k.       What is return type?

      l.         What is Cascading style sheet?

      m.     What is the use of logical tags?

      n.       What are the uses of SUBMIT and RESET button.

      o.       Why are frames used?

      p.       Name three logical operators.

      q.       What is the use of check box control?

      r.        Why is ping command used?

      s.        Name the different portions of a for loop.

      t.        What is a recursive function?

      u.       What is the use of sorting?

      v.       What command is used to modify the structure of an existing table. Give syntax.

      w.     What is a primary key?

      x.       What is index? What will be the index of the last element of an array?

      y.       What is a hostname? Name the command used to display the hostname of a computer.

      z.        Differentiate between hub nd switch.

      aa.   Mention functions of TCP and IP.

      bb.   Name two protocols use to store files in cloud storage. Write full form of HTPPS.

      cc.    Why do we use arrays in computer program? Write a statement to declare an integer array of size 7.

      dd.   What is nested loop? why do one use nested loop in programs?

      ee.   Write syntax of for loop?

      ff.      Differentiate between while and do while loop.

      gg.    Write a short note on router.

      hh.   Correct the errors:


      Int fun(int x)



             return 1;


      return 0;


                                   Int main()


                                   Int n;

                                   printf(“\n Enter the numbe”);

                                   scan of(%d”, &n);

                                   int x – fun();

                                   return 0;


      ii.       Give the output:

      i)                    int *ptr, x =9;

             ptr =&x;

             printf(“\n%d”, (*ptr)++);

      ii)                    char *ptr, x = ‘A’;

             ptr =&x;

             char y  *ptr;

             printf(“\n%c”, (*ptr)++);

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