FOR EXAM.

      1. Answer the following                                          

      a. Name the protocol which transfers encrypted data instead of plain.

      b. What is inner loop?

      c. What is WinSCP?

      d. What is SMTP?

      a.       e. What is called recursive function?

      f. It is a communication protocol that is primarily use for establishing communication between computer over computer network? What is it called?

      f. A network device that crates a wireless network.

      g. Protocol design for addressing packets.

      h. It is an exit control loop.

      i. It is used for repeated execution of a set of statement in a program.

      j. A sequence of characters that refers to a wireless local area network.

      k. Processing and converting information or data into a code.

      l. it is a library function that returns the length of the string. 

      m. it is used for repeated execution of a set of statements in a program. Loop

      n. it is an exit control loop. do while.

      o. it is a  numerical label that is assigned to network devices to identify them uniquely. IP address

      p. it is a set of well- established rules that determine how two computer communicate or transfer data between them. Protocol

      q. it is a process of converting information or data into a code, to prevent unauthorized access. Encryption.

      2. Fill in the blanks

      a. The tag used to draw a horizontal line across the web page. <HR> tag

      b. tag indicates the beginning and end of the HTML document. <HTML> tag

      c. The collection of similar data items. ARRAY

      d. Attribute used only <OL> START or REVERSED

      e. The network that offers a network range of 10m from the central device.PAN

      f. tag use to define the style for a single HTML page. Internal CSS

      g. It is a unique identifier assigned to NIC. MAC Address

      h. Protocol designed for receiving incoming E-Mail. POP

      i. the length of IPV4 is 36 bits.

      j. Base address is address of the first element of an array.

      k. A string is defined as an array of characters.

      l. The index of the first element in an array is 0 by default.

      m. the string.h header file supports many library function for performing operations on string.

      2. Choose the correct options:

      a. Which is one of the following is not a rule for naming a table in MySQL.

      i) A table name cannot have more than 30 characters.

      ii) A table name should begin with alphabets.

      iii) Reserved words are not allowed

      iv) The special character underscore is not allowed.

      b. The condition in the do-while loop is evaluated.

      i) After the execution of statements.

      ii) Before the execution of statements.

      iii) Both (i) and (ii) are true.

      iv) None of these

      c. The length of IPV6 is

      i) 32 bits            

      ii) 4 bit      

       iii) 64 bits    

       iv) 128 bits

      d. IP address can be automatically assigned if the network is connected with

      i) Access point   

      ii) Mail Serve  

      iii) Web Server  

       iv) DHCP server

      e. Which element contain definition.

       i) <dl>

      ii) <dd>

      iii) <dt>

      iv) <ul>

      f. The command used to display the table structure is

      i) DISPLAY   

      ii) STRUCTURE

      iii) DESCRIBE

      iv) UPDATE

      g. __ tag is used to create textbox, radio button and checkbox on the web page

      i) <OPTION>  

      ii) <INPUT>

      iii) Both of these

      iv) None of these

      h. Which loop is guaranteed to execute at least one time.

      i) For

      ii) While

      iii) do while

      iv) None of these

      h. which is the command used to verify the connectivity between two computers?

      i) ping

      ii) ipconfig

      iii) arp

      iv) hostname

      k. which is the largest type of computer network?

      i) PAN

      ii) LAN
      iii) MAN

      iv) WAN

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