HTML and CSS (Part - I)

      I.               Fill in the blanks: (Qno 7 to 13 are Extras Questions)           

      1.       HTML documents are made up of text content and special codes.

      2.       Text editor are used to write notes about an HTML document.

      3.       HTML document is saved with an extension .html

      4.       Web browser are used to view HTML documents.

      5.       The container element includes both and off tags.

      6.       The <br> element splits the line and displays the text on a new line.

      7.       HTML is a scripting language that is widely used to add functionality and interactive to web pages

      8.       Hypertext documents are made up of text content and special codes.

      9.       Comment is used to write notes about an HTML document.

      10.   HTML document is saved with and extension .html or .htm

      11.   Web browser are used to view the HTML documents

      12.   The container elements include both on and off tags.

      13.   The <br> element splits the line and displays the text on a new line.


      II.                   Multiple choice Questions:

      1.       Which is the correct way to comment out something in HTML.

      i)                    Using ##-and #

      ii)                   Using <!- - and - ->

      iii)                 Using </- - and -/ ->

      iv)                 Using <!- - and -!>

      2.       The _____ tag draw a horizontal line across the web page.

      i)                    <br>

      ii)              <hr>

      iii)             <line>

      3.       ____ provide a set of style rules for defining the layout of the HTML document.

      i)                    CSS

      ii)                   WSS

      iii)                 TSS

      4.       A property and its value are collectively known as

      i)               Selector

      ii)              Attributes

      iii)             Declaration

      5.       5. Which tag indicates the beginning and end of the HTML document?

      i)                    <HEAD>

      ii)                   <BODY>

      iii)             <HTML>

      6.       Which of the following is used to define the style for a single HTML page.

      i)               Inline CSS

      ii)              Internal CSS

      iii)             External CSS

      7.     What is the full form of HTML?

      i)                    Hypertext Machine Language

      ii)                   Hypertext Markup Language

      iii)                 Hypertext markup Linguistic tool

      8.     What is the full form of CSS?

      i)                    Cascading Systematic Sheets

      ii)                   Cascading Style Sheets

      iii)                 Cascading Symmetrical sheets

      9.     What is the full form of DHTML?

      i)                    Developing Hypertext Machine Language

      ii)                   Developing Hypertext Machine Language

      iii)                 Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language.

      10     Which is the correct way to comment out  something in HTML?

      i)                    Using <!- -and - ->

      ii)                   Using </- -and -/->>

      iii)                 Using <I—and -!>

             11. The tag draw a horizontal line across the web page.

      i)                    <br>

      ii)                   <hr>

      iii)                 <line>

      12.   Provide a set of style, rules for defining the layout of the HTML documents.

      i)                    CSS

      ii)                   WSS

      iii)                 TSS

      13.   A property and its value are collectively known as

      i)                    Selector

      ii)                   Attribute

      iii)                 Declaration

      14.   HTML is a _____

      i)                    Package

      ii)                   Software

      iii)                 Language

      15.   Choose the correct HTML tag to make the text bold

      i)                    <b>

      ii)                   <strong>

      iii)                 Both (i) and (ii)



      III.                Application based questions:

      1.       Yashvi was styling an HTML document using CSS. She wants to add styles directly to an HTML tag using the style attribute with the tag. How can she do this?

       She can do this by using inline CSS. It uses style attribute of an HTML element. For example:

      <tagname style= “property:value”>


      2.       Rohan wants to divide his web page into different section so that the content is easily readable. Which tag can he use for this? Which attributes can he use define some extra properties of this tag?

      <frame> tag divide the web page into different section. Some properties of this tag are row, cols, height, width etc.


      3.       Kriti wants to set the image of a park as the background of her web page but she unable to do it. Which tag should she use to do so? Give the syntax.

        She can use the <background> tag and background attribute of it. For example:

      <body background= “flower.jpg”>


      IV.      Answer the following questions:

      1.       What is markup language?

      Markup language is the standard markup languages for creating web pages and web application. With CSS and Java Script, it forms a triad cornerstone technology for World Wide Web.


      2.        Write some feature of HTML.

      Some features of HTML are as follows:

      i) It is widely used.

      ii) Every browser support HTML language.

      iii) It is a simple language which can be learn easily.

      iv) It is by default in every window so you don’t need to purchase extra software.


      3.        Explain the term tags and attributes.

      HTML tags are like keywords which define how web browser will display a content. It is surrounded by two characters < and >.

      Attributes are special word that are given along the ON tag within the angular brackets and specify additional information for that tag or command. It usually come in two parts: Name and “Value”

      Example: ” <hr size = “4”> where size is Name & “4” is Value


      4.        How are comments useful?

      Comment are useful because it include short explanation within the code for better understanding and better readability of the program.


      5.       What are Cascading Style Sheets? Name the different methods available for applying style rule in an HTML document.

      Cascading Style Sheets is something like a beauty kit for our web pages or entire website. It is used to add design aesthetics, design principal to a web site and create most appealing and well-designed websites.

      There are three different methods to apply style rules. They are.

      i) Inline Styles: This style is used to apply style to a single HTML element.

      ii) Internal CSS: It is used to define style for a single HTML page.

      iii) External CSS: It is used to define style for more than one HTML pages.


      6.       Different between Internal CSS and External CSS.




      1. It is used to define a style in a single web page.

      2. It is defined in a <head> section within <style> element.

      3. These style cannot be used in other files.

      1. It is used to define a style for many webpages.

      2. It is added as a link in the <head> section

      3. The style can be reusable i.e.; they can be used for more than one files.


      7.       What is Hyper in HTML?

      Hyper signifies that user can view World Wide Web pages by moving anywhere in any direction.


      8.       What is Text in HTML?

      Anything written in English or Alphanumeric characters is called text in HTML.


      9.       What is language in HTML?

      The set of commands that the computer understand is called language.


      10.   Who is the Father of HTML?

      Tim Berners Lee is the father of HTML

      11.   What is the first available description of HTML?

      <!doctype html>


      12.   What is the latest version of HTML?

      HTML5 is the latest version of HTML.


      13.   What is the use of text editor?

      Text editor is used to write HTML Codes using Tags


      14.   What is the use of heading in HTML?

      Heading is use to separate heading and Subheading on a web page. It also helps in defining the hierarchy and structure of the web page content.


      15.   Name the tag which is used in HTML to add line break?

      <br> tag is use in HTML to add line break.


      16.   What is the use of inline CSS?

      Inline CSS is use to specifies styles inside the tag in the body part. This style will be applied only for that particular line.


      17.   What is the use of Internal CSS?

      Internal CSS is use to specifies the styles in our HTML file itself. This style cannot be used in other files (. i.e., if we want the same style in other files, we should write them again in that other file).


      Internal CSS is used for the whole page inside the <head> </head>tags, the <style> </style>tags surrounded all of the styles for the page.


      18.   What is the use of external style sheet?

      An external style sheet is used to define style for many HTML pages or a website. These styles can be reusable i.e., it can be used for more than one file.


      V.              SHORT TYPE QUESTIONS:          2/3 MARKS


      1.       What is HTML?

      Hypertext Markup Language is the standard Markup languages for creating webpages and web application with CSS and JavaScript, it forms a triad cornerstone technology for World Wide Web.


      2.       Name some popular Markup Languages.



      3.       Write two features of HTML?

      The two features of HTML are:

      It is very easy and simple language

      It is widely used language.

      Easy to learn and use

      It is by default in every window so you don’t need to purchase extra software.

      It provides a flexible way to design web page along with other text.


      4.       What is the use of WYSIWYG?

      WYSIWYG is use to create web pages without the knowledge of HTML. They have graphical interface and tools to developed web pages, which allows you to insert images, tables, lists, hyperlinks, etc., without writing HTML tags.

      5.       What is Container or Paired tags?

      The Tags that have both on and off tag is called container or paired tags. Example <body> … </body>.


      6.       What is Empty /Unpaired or self-closed tag?

      The tags that contain only on tag is called empty tag /unpaired or self-closed tag. Example </br> tag


      7.       In how many sections, can the HTML document be divided? What are they?

      HTML document can be divided into two sections. They are:

      i)                    Head: it contains information about the body.

      ii)                   Body: it contains the actual content of the web.


      8.       What are the rules for writing HTML codes?

      The rules for writing HTML codes are:

      i)                    Elements names are not case sensitive.

      ii)                   Attributes name are also not case sensitive.

      iii)                 Tag names should not contain spaces.

      iv)                 Container tags should close properly.

      v)                   Tag name must be nested correctly.


      9.       What are the steps to create a webpage?

      The steps to create a webpage are:

      i)                    Write the HTML code in any HTML editor.

      ii)                   Save page with file extension .html or .htm

      iii)                 Open the page in any web browser.


      10.   What is the use of body tag?

      <body> tag is use to represent a document’s body which keep other HTML tags.

      It contains all the element that make a web page. It contains all the elements that make a webpage. It is a container tag.


      11.   What is the use of Paragraph tag?

      Paragraph tag is used to define a block of text as a paragraph. In HTML <p> tag represent paragraph. It is a container tag.


      12.   Explain Horizontal Rule or <hr> tag.

      Horizontal rule or <hr> tag is used to draw a horizontal line across the webpage. It is an Empty tag. the attributes of <hr> tags are:

      i)                    Size

      ii)                   Width

      iii)                 Color

      iv)                 Align

      v)                   No shade


      13.   What is the use of HTML Formatting?

      HTML formatting is a method of formatting for both appearance and look. HTML include a lot of formatting tags. These tags are used to make the text bold, italic, underline etc.


      14.   What is the use of logical tag?

      Logical tags are inbuilt command use to render certain features of content in a specific style. Browser make use of the command to display feature like. <em> for emphasis, <defn> for definition <code> is for code, <strong> for bold and <cite> for citation etc.


      15.   What is HTML <strong> tag?

      <strong> tag is a logical tag that tell the browser that the text inside the <strong> tag is important text.


      16.   Explain superscript text in HTML?

      Superscript text is used to display the text half a character’s height above other characters. For example: X<sup>2</sup> display the output X2.


      17.   What is Cascading Style Sheet?

      Cascading Style Sheet is a language that provides a set of rules for displaying elements on a web page. Markup language generally use CSS for describing the look and feel of web page by defining the layout, colors, fonts, etc.


      Cascading Style Sheet is a language used to specify web page presentation. Web browser refer to CSS for defining the layout and look of the web content.


      18.   Explain the term Tags and Attributes with the help of example.

      Tag: A tag is an HTML command that indicate the layout or display of a web page. HTML tags are used to markup HTML elements. HTML tags are surrounded by two angular brackets <>. HTML tags are of two types: Logical and Physical Tag.

      Example: ON → <b> …..</b> ← OFF.


      Attributes: The attribute of an element are special word that are given along with the ON tag within the angular brackets and specify additional information for that tag or Command.

      Example: <hr size =”4”> where size is Name and “4” is Value


      19.   How are comments useful?

      Comments are non- executable statement or ignore statement. It is useful because it is a statement where the programmer places a remark or include a short explaination within the elements for better understanding.


      VI.            Essay Type Questions:          4/5 marks:


      1.       What are the advantages of learning HTML?

      The advantage of learning HTML are:

      i)                    We can create a website after learning HTML.

      ii)                   If you want to be a web designer than HTML and CSS designing is a must skill.

      iii)                 We can understand the related language such as JavaScript, PHP.

      iv)                 We can make our website fast and presentable.


      2.       Describe the features of HTML.

      The features of HTML are:

      i)                    It is very easy and simple language

      ii)                   It provides a flexible way to design web pages along with other text.

      iii)                 Its facilities the programmers to add graphic, video and sound to the web page.

      iv)                 It is a platform independent language.


      3.       Explain the building block of HTML.

      The building block of HTML are:

      i)                    Tags: A tag is surrounded the content and apply meaning to it. It is written between < and > angular brackets.

      ii)                   Attributes: Attributes gives addition information about the HTML elements. They are written within the ON tag.

      iii)                 Element: An Elements in HTML is an individual component of HTML file. HTML element begin with a start tag and end with an end tag. (Content is the text between the start and end tag).


      4.    Explain HTML Attribute.

      Attribute gives additional information about the HTML elements. It make the HTML tags strong. Attributes are always specifying in the start tag. attributes usually come in two parts. Name and Value.

      Example: <hr size = “4”>

       Here size is Name.

       Here “4” is Value.


      5.       Write some advantages of CSS?

      The advantages of CSS are:

      i)                    By using CSS we can design our webpage.

      ii)                   One particular formatting style can be applied for whole document or the web site.

      iii)                 If we use CSS, we do not need to write HTML attribute every time.

      iv)                 CSS not only design the webpage but also it simplifies the maintenance of a web page.



      1.  Create a web page that serves as an invitation card to your Birthday party. Use all the HTML tags along with CSS properties you have learnt to make it attractive and lively.




      <title> Birthday Invitation</title>





      color: blue;

      background: Pink;

      text-align: center;





      color: Red;

      text-align: center





      color: white;

      text-align: center




      width: 50%;

      align: 5px;

      background-color: red;

      color: red;




      color: white;




      color: blue;





      <br> <br>

                    <b>PLEASE JOIN US FOR A</b><br/>

                    <h1 >  <font size="7"> Birthday </h1></font> 

                    <h3> <font size="6">Party </h3></font> 

                    <h4> <font size="4" color ="white">CELEBRATION </h3></font> 


                    <h2><font size="9">JOHN 16th</h2></font>


                    <p> <font size="6">Birthday<p></font> 

      <u>Sunday,May15<sup>th</sup>2022AT 7:00PM</u> <br>

      <b> Venue:  St. Joseph's School, Gohpur, Biswanath, Assam<br>

      Phone Number: <u> +91123456789</u></b>




      2. Create a web page that serve as a guide for the mathematical formulas using HTML tags along with CSS properties.



      <title> Formulas </title>




      color: blue;

      background-color: black;




      color: white;





      width: 80%;

      size: 5px;




      color: yellow;





      <h1> <u>Mathematic Formulas</u></h1>

      <P>(a+b)<sup>2</sup> = a<sup>2</sup> + 2ab + b<sup>2</sup></p>

      <P> a<sup>2</sup> - b<sup>2</sup> = (a-b) (a+b)</p>

      <P> (a-b)<sup>2</sup> = a<sup>3</sup> - 3a<sup>2</sup>b 3ab<sup>2</sup> = b<sup>3</sup></p>



      List, Tables and Images  (Part - II)

      I.                Fill in the blanks:

      1.       By default, the unordered lists items are marked with a bullet

      2.       Reversed attribute of list lets you reserve the order of the item list.

      3.       A list inside list is called as a nested list

      4.       A collection of related element is called as ordered list

      5.       Cell padding property of table defines the space between the content of the table and the border.

      6.       The <img> tag is an empty tag, that means it has no closing tag.

      7.       Src is an attribute of the <img> tag which specifies the location or URL of the image to be displayed.

      8.       Border attribute is used to give border to an image.

      II.              Multiple Choice Questions:

      1.        Which tag is used for list items?

      i)                    <OL>

      ii)                   <LI>

      iii)                 <UL>

      iv)                 <DL>

      2.       Which element contain definition?

      i)                    <DL>

      ii)                   <DD>

      iii)                 <DT>

      iv)                 <UL>

      3.       Which of the following can’t be the value of the list-style-type?

      i)                    Square

      ii)                   Circle

      iii)                 Ellipse

      iv)                 Disc

      4.       Which attribute is only used with <ol>?

      i)                    Value

      ii)                   Type

      iii)                 Compact

      iv)                 Start

      5.       With the help of which tag, is a row defined in HTML?

      i)                    Row

      ii)                   <tr>

      iii)                 <row-table>

      iv)                 <tablerow>

      6.       By using which of the following options, the border of the table can be collapsed?

      i)                    border-collapse: collapse

      ii)                   table -border colloapse

      iii)                 border-colapse

      iv)                 table-border-collapss: collapse

      7.       Web browsers display images in the following format.

      a.       XBM             c. JPEG

      b.       GIF                d. All of these

      8.       The correct HTML code for inserting an image is

      a.       <img href=”image.gif”>

      b.       <img> image.gif</gif>

      c.       <img src =”imge.gif”>

      d.       <image src=”image.gif”>

      9.       src attribute used with <img> tag stand for

      a.       screen          c. Screen resolution count

      b.       Source         d. structure

      10.   alt attribute allows

      a.       addition of an alternate hyperlink.

      b.       Addition of a border to image

      c.       Use of an alternative image in place of the specified image.

      d.       Addition of alternative text about an image.


      III.             Application based questions?

      a.       Ruchika was making an order list and she noticed that the items of the list by default started with numbers. She wants to use Roman numerals for numbering. How can she do this?


      Ruchika must add <ol type= “I”> </ol>



      b.       Rohan has created a table and he wants that the table border should be collapsed into a single border. Which property should he use?


      Rohan should use border-collapse: collapse;


      c.       Ashmita has added few images on her web page but she wants to keep some provisions for the visually impaired people or users using text-based browser so that they get the description for the images. Which attribute should she use to accomplish the task?


      alt attribute is used to accomplish the task.

      Example : <img src = “flower.jpg” alt = “Description of the image”>



      IV.             Answer the following:

      a.       Differentiate between the <OL> and <UL> tag?

      The different between <OL> and <UL> tag are given below:



      1.       Defines an Order List

      1.       Defines and Unorder List

      2.       The list items will be marked with numbers by default

      2.       The list items will be marked with bullets (small black circles) by default.

      3.       It group a set of related items in a specific order.

      3.       It group a set of related items in no specific order.

      4.       An order list is enclosed with the <OL>….</OL> tag

      4.       An unorder list is enclosed with the <UL> …..</UL> tag



      b.       Write the syntax for using list-style type property.

      This property specifies the bullet style that will be used as the type of list item marker.


      Syntax: for Unorder list

      < UL style = “ List-style-type: Square”>

      Syntax: for Order list

      < OL style = “ List-style-type: upper-roman”>


      c.       Define Padding property.

      Padding is used to specifies the space between the border and content in a table

      HTML table can adjust the padding inside the cells, and also the space between the cells using the padding property:

      Cell – Padding: Specifies the space between the cell borders and their contents. It is a

                                 space between the cell edges and the cell content. By default, the            

                                 padding is set to 0.

      Cell – Spacing: Specifies the space between cells. Cell spacing is the space between

                                 each cell. By default, its space is set to 2 pixels.


      d.       What is description list? Define the different tags used to create a description.

      A description list is also called a definition list consists of a term followed by its definition. It starts with <DL> and end with </DL>.

      ·       The <DL> tag defines the description of each item list.

      ·       The <DT> tag define the term (name), and

      ·       The <DD> tag describes each term.

      e.       What is the use of type attribute with an unordered list?


      The use of type attribute with an unorder list specifies what kind of bullets use to mark items in the list such as disc, circle, or square.


      f.        State the use of any two properties that you use to enhance the appearance of a table.

      The two properties that you use to enhance the appearance of a table are

      i)                    Cell padding

      ii)                   Cell spacing

      g.       How are images added in an HTML document?

      The images are added in an HTML document using the <img> tag. The src attribute is used to specify the URL or location of the image.

      Example: <img src = “flower.jpg”>



      V.                  Activity

      1.       Create a web page to show a lists of various colors and their Hex codes (Hexadecimal numerals are widely used by computer system designers and programmers because they provide a human – friendly representation of binary – coded values). Also provide image for the colors you mention in your code.




      <title> Lists of Color With Hex Code </title>










      table, td


      border: 2px solid black;

      border-collapse: collapse;









                    <th> Color Name</th>

                    <th> Color Hex Codes</th>

                    <th> Color Image Sample</th>




                                   <ol><li> Red</li></ol></td>                      

                    <td> #FF0000</td>        

                    <td bgcolor="#FF0000"> </td>




                                   <ol start="2"><li> Green</li></ol></td>                   

                    <td> #FF0000</td>        

                    <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> </td>




                                   <ol><li> Blue</li></ol></td>                     

                    <td> #0000FF</td>        

                    <td bgcolor="#0000FF"> </td>





                    <td> #000000</td>        

                    <td bgcolor="#000000"> </td>





                    <td> #FFFF00</td>         

                    <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"> </td>





                    <td> #FF00FF</td>         

                    <td bgcolor="#FF00FF"> </td>





      Link, Frames and Forms  (Part - III)

      I.                Fill in the blanks:

      1.       The web pages of a website are linked to each other using hyperlink.

      2.       The attribute href is used to create a hyperlink between two or more HTML codes.

      3.       When you move the mouse pointer over a link, the mouse pointer changes its shape from an arrow to a pointing hand.

      4.       The loop attribute of the <audio> tag indicates that you can replay the audio file once it is finished.

      5.       The small rectangular areas created in the main browser window are known as frame.

      6.       The src attribute of the frame tag tells the browser which HTML page to load into that frame.

      7.       The src attribute of the frame tag attaches the default URL.

      8.       Frame allows multiple HTML documents to presented as independent windows within one browser window.

      9.       The input tag collects the information from the user.


      II.              Multiple Choice Questions: (QNO 6 to 16 Important Questions)

      1.       A ____ is a word, a group of words, or an image that can be used to jump to another document on the same website or another website.

      i)               Hyperlink         

      ii)              URL                             

      i)                    Address

      ii)                   None of these

      2.       The _____ attribute of the <a> tag is used to set the URL of the target resources.

      i)                    src

      iii)             href                                        

      ii)                   control

      iii)                 none of these

      3.       Which of the following can be embedded in a web page?

      i)                    Audio

      ii)                   Video                                              

      iv)             Both i) and ii)

      iii)                 None of these

      4.       The _____ attribute of the <video> tag plays the video file automatically on loading a web page.

      i)                    Control

      v)              Autoplay                                 

      ii)                   Height  

      iii)                 None of these

      5.       _______ tag is used to create textbox, radio button and checkbox on the web page.

      i)                    <option>

      vi)             <input>                                   

      ii)                   Both of these

      iii)                 None of these


      6.       Which of the following can be set as hyperlink?

      i)                    Single word

      ii)                   Group of words

      iii)                 Image                                              

      vii)            All of these

      7.       The value of the target attributes opens the linked document in the same frame.

      viii)              _parent

      ix)             _self

      x)                   _top

      xi)                 None of these

      8.       Which of the following are the attributes of the <iframe> tag?

      i)                    Src

      ii)                   Width

      iii)                 Height

      iv)             All of these

      9.       Which of the following can be embedded in a web page?

      i)                    Audio

      ii)                   Video

      iii)                 Both i and ii

      iv)             None of these

      10.   The attribute of the audio tag that displays controls on the web page is

      i)               Control

      ii)                   Autoplay

      iii)                 Loop

      iv)                 None of these

      11.   Which of the following specifies the color of a link when it is clicked?

      i)               Active

      ii)                   Visited

      iii)                 Hover

      iv)                 None of these

      12.   The attribute of the <video> tag plays the video file automatically on loading a web page.

      i)               Control

      ii)                   Autoplay

      iii)                 Height

      iv)                 None of these

      13.   The value of the target attribute opens the linked document in the parent frame is:

      i)               _parent

      ii)                   _self

      iii)                 _top

      iv)                 _blank

      14.   The value of the target attribute opens the linked document in the same frame is:

      i)                    _parent

      ii)              _self

      iii)                 _top

      iv)                 _blank

      15.   The value of the target attribute opens the linked document in full browser window is:

      i)                    _parent

      ii)                   _self

      iii)             _top

      iv)                 _blank

      16.   Specifies a link that the visitor has visited and its default color is purple.

      i)                    Link (Standard Link)

      ii)              Visited (Visited Link)

      iii)                 Active (Active Link)

      III.             Application Based Questions:

      1.       Rohan wants to divide a web page into four sections. Which tag should he use to accomplish this?

      To accomplish this, Rohan should use the <iframe> tag.


      2.       Rahim is creating a website in which he wants to use different images as link to the web pages. He is also interested in adding some video clips in his website. Can you suggest him the required tags to include the said elements in his website.

      I will suggest him to use the following:

      i)                    <img> tag insert an image.

      ii)                   <a href> tag is to create a link.

      iii)                 <video> tag is to insert a video clip.


      3.       Ritika was writing an article using HTML. The article contains some external links to other website contains additional information. How can she link these together so that the user can visit the destination of the external links by clicking on them?

      <a href = “destination file name”> link text </a>


      4.       Priyanka wants to create a from but she has forgotten the tag used to create the form. Can you help her with the solutions?

      <form> tag is used to create a form.


      IV.                 Answer the Following: (Question No 9 to 14 are extra questions)

      1.       Why do you include hyperlinks in your web page? Give any two reasons.

      We use hyperlink in our web page because:

      i)                    Hyperlink allow users to gain access to any of the desired documents with just a click.

      ii)                   Hyperlink link web pages together in a website or across various website.


      2.       Distinguish between the internal and external linking.

      Internal link:  Internal link is a link from one web page to another section on the same web page, it is called internal linking.  Whereas,

      External link: When one page is linked to another web page of the same website or another website, it is called external linking.


      3.       What are frames? How are they useful?

      Frames are a part of a web page or a browser window which displays content independently of its container, with the ability to load content independently.

      Frames are useful because it divides the screen into different split windows that allows us to open more than one web page simultaneously in a browser window.


      4.       What are the two types of text input in HTML web forms?

      The two types of text input in HTML web forms are:

      i)                    Single – line text input.

      ii)                   Multi – line text input.


      5.       Which input control is useful for questions requiring a simple yes or no answer?

      Radio button control is useful for questions requiring a simple yes or no answer?


      6.       What is the use of password control in HTML forms?

      The use of password control in HTML form is when a user input a single – line text it makes the character.


      7.       What is the use of <input> tag?

      <input> tag is used to specifies an input field where the user can enter data.


      8.       What are the uses of Submit and Reset buttons?

      Submit button is used to automatically submits a form. Whereas,

      Reset button is use to automatically resets form controls to their initial values.


      9.       What are the most commonly used audio formats in HTML5?

      Ogg, mp3 and wav


      10.   How can anyone insert a video file in HTML document?

      Anyone can insert a video file in HTML document by using the <video> tag.


      11.   What is frameset?

      A frameset is an element which contains the different frame elements. It allows us to divide the webpage into multiple independent windows.


      12.   Name the tag which is used to create frames in HTML5.

      <iframe> tag


      13.   What does iframe in HTML stand for?

      iframe stands for inline frame.


      14.   What is the use of <fieldset> element in HTML?

      <fieldset> element is used to group the related information of a form.


      V.              Short type Questions (Important) 2/3 marks:

      1.       What is website?

      The collection of related webpage linked together hyperlink is called website.


      2.       How many types of linking HTML allows one to create? What are they?

      We can create two types of linking in HTML. They are

      i)                    Internal Linking

      ii)                   External Linking


      3.       What is Internal Linking?

      Internal linking is the link that is created within the same page to link one web page to another section on the same webpage.


      4.       What is external linking?

      When one page is linked to another web page of the same website or another website, it is called external linking.


      5.       What is the use of href attribute?

      href attribute is use to set URL of the same target resource.


      6.       What is the use of frames

      Frames are use to divides the screen into different split windows that allows us to open more than one web page simultaneously in a browser window. It also help in making one part static and another part to change as per the command.


      7.       What is the use of inline frame?

      An inline frame is used to embed another document within the current HTML document. The tag used to create inline frame is <iframe>.


      8.       What are the attributes of <iframe> tag?

      The attributes of <iframe> tag are:

      i)                    src

      ii)                   height

      iii)                 width


      9.       What is single- line text input controls?

      <input type= “type” name= “t1”> </input>


      10.   What is password input controls?

      Password input controls make the characters as soon as user enters it. They can created using input tag.


      11.   What is multi – line text input controls?

      Multi – line text input control is a field where user can enter required details  that maybe no longer than a single sentence. <textarea> tag is used to create multi – line text controls.


      12.   What is the use of checkbox control?

      Checkboxes are used to let the user select one or more options from a predefined set of options. Check box is created by using input element with a type attribute having value as ‘checkbox’.


      13.   Why do you include hyperlinks in your web page? Give reasons.

      We include hyperlinks in our webpage because:

      i)                    To navigate from one page to another.

      ii)                   To make interlink between different section of a webpage.


      14.   Which input controls is most useful for questions requiring a simple yes or no answer.

      Check box control.


      15.   What is the use if <input> tag?

      The <input> tag is used within the <form> element and define fields for user input. the type pf field (text, checkbox, radio button, password field, etc.) is determine by the value of the type attribute.


      VI.             Essay type Questions:         Mark 4/5(Important)

      1.       Write the HTML code to create a text hyperlink on a webpage?

      <a> tag is used to create a hyperlink on a web page. The HTML code to create a hyperlink is:

      <a href = “URL”> link name</a>


      2.       Write about the properties f a hyperlink using CSS?

      The properties of hyperlink using CSS are:

      i)                    a:link – it signifies the unvisited link.

      ii)                   Visited – it signifies the visited link.

      iii)                 Hover – it signifies the effect of the link when the user hovers over it.

      iv)                 a:active – it signifies the link on which user is currently clicking.


      3.       Explain how CSS properties allows one to display linking as buttons.

      CSS properties allows one to create button as a link –



      <title> Link As Button </title>


      a:link, a:visited


      background-color: yellow;

      color: red;


      padding: 15px 10px;

      text-align: center;

      display: inline-block;






                    <a href= “SecondPage.html”> click this Button</a>


                                   <legend> Type your Plan</legend>



      4.       What are the attributes of <audio> tag?

      The attributes of <audio> tag are:

      i)                    src

      ii)                   control

      iii)                 autoplay

      iv)                 loop


      5.       explain how border properties are applied.

      Border property can be applied in the following ways:

      border-width: value; (value is the thickness of the border)

      border-style: value;(value = thin, thick, medium, or numeric values)

      border-color: value;(value= color name, hex code, or RGB color codes)


      6.       Explain radio button control with examples.

      Radio button is used when out of many options, just one option is required to be selected. Radio button controls are created using input element with type attribute having value as radius. the syntax to create radio box is:


      <b> select you Gender</b>

      <input type= “radio” name= “gender”> Female</br>

      <input type= “radio” name= “gender”> Male</br>

      <input type= “radio” name= “gender”> Other</br>



      7.       Explain select box control with example.

      Check box input control is most useful for questions requiring a simple yes or know answer. Checkbox allows the user to select one or more options from a predefined list of options. The syntax to create checkbox is:


      <b> select you Hobby</b>

      <input type= “checkbox” name= “hobby”> Dancing</br>

      <input type= “checkbox” name= “hobby”> Playing</br>

      <input type= “checkbox” name= “hobby”> Singing</br>



      VII.           LAB ACTIVITY


      1.       Create a web page where a person has top choose a day of the month from a drop-down list. The page should also the person to enter two lines on what the person plans to do on.



      <title> Plan of the Month </title>




      background-color: black;

      color: white;





      color: white;

      text-decoration: underline;






      input, textarea


      background-color: lightgreen;







                    <h1> Plan of the Month</h1>

                                   <form name ="todo">


                                   <legend> Type your Plan</legend>

                                   <b>Choose Date</b>

                                   <input type="date" name="date"></br>

                                   <b> Detail</br></br>

                                   <textarea rows="2" cols="22"></textarea></br>

                                   <input type="button"name="submit"value="Save">

                                   <input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Clear">








      2.       Create an HTML document on the topic HTML list and HTML tables. The web page should contain two frames where in one frame with HTML list in other HTML Tables.




      <title> Frames</title>






                    <iframe src="HTMLlist.html" ></iframe>

                    <iframe src="HTMLTables.html"width></iframe>




