Object oriented Programming imgclass X computer science

      CHAPTER -10

      Computer Science HSLC SEBA Board

      Object Oriented



           1.      What do you mean by programing paradigm?

      Programming paradigm means set of design principle that define the program structure. It is an approach to programming. The programing paradigm is all about the writing style and organizing the program code in a specific way.

           2.       Define object.

      In Object Oriented Programming object means a real-world entity such as chair, pen, book, pen, cat, dog, etc. we say it as an instance of a class.

           3.       Define class.

      A class is a user defined blueprint or prototype from which objects are created.

          4.       What is encapsulation?

      Encapsulation is the process of binding data members and methods of a program together to do a specific job. Without reveling unnecessary detail.

          5.       What is data hiding?

      Data hiding is also known as abstraction, it is used t display only the importance information by hiding the implementation part.

          6.      What is polymorphism?

      Poly means many and forms means many, so polymorphism means one common method is used in different ways.

           7.       Name the four object-oriented programming languages.

      C++, C#, Java, Phyton

           8.       Name the first object-oriented program.

      Simula is the first object-oriented program.

           9.       What is abstraction?

      Abstraction displays only the important information by hiding the implementation part.



             B.    LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS:

             1.      Mention four characteristics of procedure-oriented programming.

      Four characteristics of procedure-oriented programming are:

      i)                    It emphasis on algorithm.

      ii)                  Large programs are divided into smaller programs known as functions.

      iii)                 Functions can communicate by global variable.

      iv)                 Data move freely from one function to another function.

            2.      Mention two advantages and two disadvantages of procedure-oriented programming languages.

      The two advantages and disadvantages of procedure-oriented programing language are:


      i)                    It is much easier to learn as first programming language for beginners.

      ii)                  The use of standard library functions brings down significant in the overall development cost and time.


      i)                    It is difficult to present real world as objects.

      ii)                  It is difficult to protect the data from inadvertent changes.

           3.      Explain four features of OOP.

      Four features of OOP are:

      i)                    Encapsulation: encapsulation is the process of binding data members and method of a program together to do specific job, without reveling unnecessary details.

      ii)                  Abstraction: Abstraction display only the important information by hiding the implementation part. The concept of abstraction relates to the idea of hiding data that are not needed for presentation.

      iii)                 Polymorphism: Polymorphism means one common method is used in different ways.

      iv)                 Inheritance: Inheritance is the process of acquiring or inheriting properties of one class to the other. The process deriving from one class to another class is called inheritance. The existing class is called the parent class and the new class is called child class.

            4.      List four advantages of OOP.

      Four advantages of OOP are:

      i)                    OPP can support large scale and complex software development project.

      ii)                  It allows code reusability.

      iii)                 Better representation of real-world things as objects.

      iv)                 Avoid unnecessary data exposure to the user by abstraction.

              5.      Differentiate between procedure-oriented programming and object-oriented programming.

      Difference between procedure-oriented programming and object-oriented programing are given below:

      Procedure Programming

      Object Oriented Programming

      i)                    Program is divided into functions.

      ii)                  It follows top-down approach.

      iii)                 It doesn’t used access specifier.

      iv)                 Data hiding not supported

      i)                    Program is divided into objects.

      ii)                  It follows bottom-up approach.

      iii)                 It doesn’t use access specifier.

      iv)                 Encapsulation is used to hide the data.


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