CHAPTER -4


      A. Multi Choice Questions:

      1. The connection structure of a computer network is called Internet

      2. Normally server computers are stronger than client computers.

      3. An organization who provide an internet connection to their consumer is called ISP

      4. Based on rank search result are ordered in a search engine.

      5. The sent section of an email interface contain sent emails.


      B. Multi Choice Questions:

      1. A network switch is required to form – Star Topology

      2. How many cables are required to form a mesh topology of 10 computers? – 45

      3. Which of the following is not a protocol? – ISP

      4. How many repeaters are required to transfer data up to 400 meters using a twisted-pair cable? – 4

      5. Normally unsolicited bulk emails appears in – Spam


      C. Short answer questions:

      1. What is topology? From your understanding describe which topology will be best to set up a computer network in your school?

      The geometric structure of how computers are connected to each other in a network is called Topology. There are five types of topologies- Mesh, Star, Bus, Ring, and Hybrid.

      Star topology will be the best to set up a computer network in our school because it is easier to install and easily new computer can be added to the network.

      2.  Give an example of a URL and describe different sections of it.

      An example of URL is: /images/flower.jpg

      http://:  It is the protocol to be used.

      www: Sub domain of the website.

      google: Root domain of the website.

      com: Extension of the website. Com refers to a commercial website.

      Images: Directory or Folder.

      flower.jpg: The fill available on Google.

      3. What is ranking? How is it related to a search engine?

      When a user enters a query to search, the search engine searches in its database and may find multiple results. The ranking is the process of ordering the search result based on relevance. There are numbers of approaches to rank a search result. Different search engine may use different ranking approach.

      4. What is the use of BCC in an email? Describe with example.

      BCC stand for “Blind Carbon Copy,” BCC allows you to send the same message to several people at the same time without disclosing the identity of the e-mail recipient. In BCC no recipients can see BCC email ids. For Example, if we send same message to our multiple friends at same time using BCC option, they will be not aware of it.

      5. What are the difference between Chat and Video conferencing?

      The differences between Chat and Video conferencing is that:

      Chat: Chat let you communicate with other user in real-time through text message. Communicating online through text is called chatting. Whereas,

      Video Conferencing: Video Conferencing or Video Tele Conference (VTC) imitates a real-life meeting environment. With the help of VTC facility, we can see other people while talking to them. VTC make conferencing possible between any number of people located in different parts of the world.


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