CHAPTER -2


      1. Choose the correct options.

      a. Which of the following is an Operating System -All of these

      b. Which operating system is developed by CDAC, Chennai - BOSS

      c. Which OS has fixed deadlines-Real – Time

      d. Name a multiuser Operating System - UNIX

      e. Name a version of macOS - All of these

      f. In which year was Windows OS released - 1985


      2. Fill in the blanks:

      a. Bill Gates is founder of Microsoft Corporation.

      b. An Operating system is a program which acts as an interface between a user and the hardware.

      c. The operating system decides which job should use the processor and for how long.

      d. A computer system work with information.

      e. Windows is an example of interactive operating system.

      f. UNIX was originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees.


      3. State True or False

      a. Microsoft Windows has 15 versions since its first release in1985. TRUE

      b. LINUX is different form proprietary software like windows, which can only be modified by the computer that owns it. TRUE

      c. iOS is Apple’s mobile operating system. TRUE

      d. The latest version of Android is Unnati. FALSE

      e. Windows comes pre-loaded on most new PCs. TRUE

      f. MACOS is Apple’s mobile operating system. FALSE


      4. Short Answer Questions:

      a. What is an Operating System?

      An Operating System is a program which act as an interface between a user and the hardware i.e., all computer resources and controls all components of the computer system.

      b. Mention the name of any two commonly used operating system.

      Windows, LINUX, MACOS

      c. When was the first version of Apple iOS released?

      29th July, 2007

      d. What do you mean by multitasking?

      Multitasking gives users a good experience and the jobs have to be completed within their deadlines.

      e. What is real-time operating system?

      In real-time operating system, the job has fixed deadlines and the jobs have to be completed within their deadlines.

      f. What is time sharing and distributive operating system?

      Time Sharing OS: A time sharing OS allows many users to share the computer resources simultaneously.

      5. Long Answer questions:

       a. Explain any two functions of an operating system?

      Two functions of an Operating System are:

      i) Processor Management: The OS decides which job should use the processor and for how long. It allocates the processor to a process and de-allocates processor when a process is no longer required.

      ii) Memory Management: An OS keeps track of primary memory, i.e., what part of it are in use by whom and what part are not in use. It decides which process will get memory when and how much.

      b. Explain any two- Operating System used in mobile phones.

      Two OS used in mobile phones are:

      i) iOS: It stand for iPhone Operating System. It is an Apple’s mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple inc. It is design to run on Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc.

      ii) Android: Android is an mobile operating system based on a modified version of the LINUX kernel and the other open-source software, designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablets.

      c. Write a short note on Windows Operating System.

      Window OS is one of the most commonly used OS created by Microsoft in mid -1980s. There have been many different versions of windows, but the most recent one is windows 10. Windows come pre-loaded on most new PCs, which helps to make it the most popular OS in the world.

      d. Write a note on Operating System created by Apple.

      Apple developed separate operating system for both mobile and desktop computers. For mobile devices iOS and for desktops MACOS. iOS is Apple’s mobile OS developed and distributed by Apple Inc. it is designed to run on Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod etc. Many people prefer the look and feel of macOS and iOS over Window and Android.

      e. What is BOSS?

      BOSS is an Operating System developed by C-DAC (Central for Development of Advanced Computing), Chennai, to facilitate the use of free/ opensource software throughout India. BOSS makes the switch form Microsoft Windows to GNU/Linux platform through features like bulk document converter, presentation tools, and plug and play.

      f. Write a short note on Bill Gates.

      William Henry Bill Gates III was born on October 28 1955, popularly known as Bill Gates in an American business magnate, software developer, and philanthropist. He is the founder of Microsoft Corporation. He held the positions of chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), president and chief software architect during his career at Microsoft.

      g. What is Interactive Operating System? Where it is used?

      Interactive operating system are computer systems characterized by significant amount of interactive between humans and the computer. Most users have grown up using Macintosh or Windows computer OS, which are prime examples of graphical interactive system.

      Interactive Operating System is mostly used in home computer, Gaming console and Simulators.

      h. What are the two important features that must be take care while maintaining a directory?

      The two important features that must be take care while maintaining a directory are:

      i) A user must have freedom of giving the desired name to the file, without taking into consideration that the same file names are used by the other users on the system

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      ii) A user must be able to share the files he creates and he must also be able to access the files, created by other users.