CHAPTER -3




      A. Fill in the blanks”

      1. Excel is spreadsheet software package.

      2. Address of the cell of the 10th column and 30th row is J30

      3. The cell having bold boundary is called active cell.

      4. Any formula in excel start with an equal (=) symbol.

      5. In Relative referencing, the relative address of the cell gets adjust with respect to the current cell.

      6. For absolute referencing, $ sign is used before the parts of formula.

      7. If you enter 15 + 30 in a cell, Excel will display 15 +30

      8. Function are text, number cell references enclosed within parenthesis in a formula.

      B. Multi choice Question:

      1. A worksheet is a combination of rows and column.

      2. By default, a workbook in excel contains how many worksheets? 3

      3. The AutoFill can apply from – All of these

      4. The default page orientation in excel is – Portrait

      5. The default alignment of text in a cell is – Left

      6. Cell address $B$5 in a formula means – it is an absolute reference

      7. A cell range starting from first row, first column to fourth row and fifth column can be represented as – [A1E4]

      8. COUNTA (4,78, False,18) will return – 4

      9. Which of the following charts is used for comparing the changes in data over period of time – Bar chart

      10. for selecting a non- continuous range of cells, you need to do what? - Press Ctrl key


      C. Answer the following:

      1. Define the term workbook.

      Workbook is a file in an Excel. Each workbook contains three pages called worksheets which can be increased as per requirement. 

      2. Rohan is new in Excel. His instructor has asked him to open Excel on his PC and questioned about active cell. Help Rohan in identifying the active cell on his screen.

      The cell we are currently working on, usually identified by a thick bold boundary is the active cell.

      3. What is the default alignment of number, text, and formula in a spreadsheet?

      The default alignment of:

      i) number: right

      ii)Text: left

      iii) formula: right

      4. Sahil has clicked on the cell residing at the intersection of first row and ninth column. What will be the address of the selected cell?

      The address of the selected cell will be ‘I1’.

      5. How many cells would be there in the cell range [A1:B2]?

      There will be four cells in the cell range [A1:B2].

      6. If = 6-5*2 is entered in a cell, then what will be the cell content?

      If = 6-5*2 is entered in a cell, then the content will be ‘- 4 ‘.

      7. In a spreadsheet software, the formula=A1+$A$2 was entered in cell A3 and then copied into cell B3. What is the formula copied into B3?


      8. Write down the formula for adding values of cell A1 to A5.


      9. State difference between COUNT() and COUNTA() function.

      The difference between COUNT() and COUNTA() is that:

      COUNT() function is used to count the number of cells in a given range of cells that contain.

      Whereas, COUNTA() function is used to simply count the number of entries in a given range of cells including text entities, numerical value.

      10. Write down the important of legend in Charts.

      Legends help us identify various plotted data series. Each series can be uniquely identified by assigning a unique color or pattern.

      11. What is the different between a workbook and a worksheet?

      The different between a workbook and a worksheet is that

      A Worksheet contains cells arrange in rows and columns that can store text, numbers, formula etc. Whereas,

      A Workbook is a file in Excel containing three pages called worksheets.

      12. Define the meaning of formula.

      Formula is an expression which calculates the values of a cell.

      Formula are mathematical equation use to perform calculation in an excel worksheet.

      A formula should always start with an equal sign (=).


      D. Suggest the appropriate function for the following situations:

      a. Selecting the maximum value out of a range A1 to B20.


      b. Calculating average of marks entered in cells E5, F5, G5, H5 and 15.

      AVERAGE(E5, F5, G5, H5,15) 

      c. Akriti has entered 49+30 in a cell. The worksheet is not displaying 79 in the cell. Instead, 49+30 is getting displayed. Help, Akriti in rectifying the problem.

      The correct formula to display 79 in the cell instead of 49 + 30, she must start the formula with ‘=’ symbol.  Example: = 49+30.

      14. for what purpose pie chart is useful?

      A pie charts (Graph) is use in Excel to communicate data graphically. Charts allow our audience to see the meaning behind the numbers, and they make showing comparisons and trends much easier.

      15. Explain the concepts of cell referencing along with its various types.

      When a cell address is referred to a formula, its writing style determine how that cell will be referenced during the calculation. There are three cell referencing styles in a worksheet.

      i) Relative Referencing: It is a default reference. When copied across multiple cells, they change based on the relative position of rows and columns. Relative references are especially convenient whenever you need to repeat the same calculation across multiple rows and columns. For example, if we copy formula =A1+B1 from the row 1 to row 2, the formula will become = A2+B2.

      ii) Absolute Referencing: There may be times when you do not want a cell reference to change when filing cells. Unlike relative references, absolute references do not change when copied or filled.  You can use an absolute reference to keep a row or column constant. An absolute reference is designed in a formula by addition of a dollar sign ($) before the column and row.

       iii) Mixed Referencing: Mixed references is when one part of the cell address is relative and the other is absolute. So, either the column or the row number should have a $ along with it.

    Table of Content


    A. Fill in the blanks:

    1. An electronic page in a presentation is called Slide

    2. New slide button for inserting a new slide can be found on Home tab.

    3. In Slide Sorter view, you can see all the slides in a presentation concurrently.

    4. Slide transition is a special effect that allows to specify how to navigate from one slide to other.

    5. The Custom Animation enhance uses the flying effect on the text and character.


    B. Multiple choice Questions:

    1. __ is the default file name for a Power Point presentation. – presentation 1

    2. File extension for a Power Point 2007 presentation is - .pptx

    3. The custom animation can apply – All of these

    4. The entire presentation can be seen at a time in- Slide shorter view

    5. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are – Transitions


    C. Answer the following:        

    1. Write down the name of the default view in a Power Point.

    Normal View is the default view in a PowerPoint.

    2. Differentiate between a Presentation and a Slide.

    A presentation is a systematic display of information on a particular topic. It consists of number of slides containing elements like text, graphics, movies, sound, and graph.


    A Slides are the individual pages of a presentation that can be displayed one by one on a screen. A slide may contain various elements, e.g., text, graphics, movies, and sound.


    3. Write the use of layouts in PowerPoint.

    Layouts are the essential framework for our presentation. They contain placeholder and rules that define how our content will be displayed.

    The different types of slide layout are:

    i) Title Slide

    ii) Title and Content: One title placeholder and one large content placeholder.

    iii) Section Header

    iv) Two Content

    v) Comparison

    vi) Content with Caption

    vii) Picture with Caption

    4. In PowerPoint 2007 under the Insert tab there is a button named text box. What is the utility of this button?

    A text box is a special type of shape that is designed to place text on our slides.

    5. Animation is a feature, which you can use in your presentation. What is the purpose of this feature?

    Animation are special effects that can add to text and objects on a slide. Animation can make the audience pay attention to important points, control the flow of information, and add lie to the presentation to make it interesting.

    6. Write the three function that can be performed in slide sorter view of a presentation.

    Three functions that can be performed in slide sorter view of a presentation are:

    i) You can drag and drop slides easily to reorder them.

    ii) You can see more slides at one time.

    iii) This is a good view to use to confirm that you have all the necessary slides and that none have been deleted.

    7. How are Header and Footer useful?

    Header and Footer are a place at the top and bottom of each slide. It is useful because it allows us to include the name of the presenters, their affiliation, and the presentation title, slide number, date and other information.

    8. Differentiate between a Slide Transition and Custom Animation.

    Slide Transition: While watching films and cartoons, you may have noticed how the next scene beings when one scene ends. The way one slide follows the other on the screen is called transition.

    Custom Animation: Animations are special effects that you can add to text and object on a slide.


    Animation refers to the movement of text and objects on the slide, while

    Transition refers to the movement of the slide as it changes to another slide.

    9. Explain the various view of a slide available in PowerPoint 2007.

    Various views of a slide are:

    i) Normal view:  It is the main editing view that you use to create and design a presentation.

    ii) Slide Sorter View: The slide sorter view is used to see all slides of the presentation in miniature (small) form on the screen.

    iii) Note Page View: Note Page view provides a space to add notes to the slides in your presentation.

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