CHAPTER -1  BASICS OF COMPUTER SYSTEM  1. CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTIONS. a. Which of the following is not an output device? Mouse b. Which one of the following is the “brain” of the computer? CPU c. A collection of eight bits is called Byte d. Second generation computer were manufactured using which technology? Transistors e. Storage of 1KB means the following number of bytes: 1024 f. Which of the following is not hardware? Assembler g. Fourth generation computer used. Microprocessors h. Which one of the following is a special-purpose application software? Payroll system i. The base of Octal Number System is  8 j. Who is known as the father of the modern computer? Charles Babbage  2. Fill in the blanks: a. The first-generation computer used magnetic drums for storage. b. The third-generation computers replaced transistors with integrated circuit. c. Resisters are high speed temporary storage area. d. Bit is the short form of binary digit. e. A group of four bit is called nibble. f. Memory holds data, programs and instructions for computer. g. A microphone is input device. h. A program is set of instructions to perform a specific task. i. Antiviruses software are used to scan the computers for viruses. j. The decimal system is composed of ten digits. k. Atonasoff Berry Computer was the first fully electronic general-purpose computer. l. UNIVAC-I was one of the first commercially available computers. m. An assembler converts the program written in assembly language into machine language. n. Processing take place in the CPU. o. The ALU performs the arithmetic and logical operations. p. RAM is volatile memory. q. ROM stores basic input/output instructions to operate the computer. r. EPROM memory is an electronic non-volatile storage medium that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. s. Data and instructions are given to the computer through its input device. t. Raw data is processed by the computer to produced output. u. Result are obtained from the computer through its output device. v. 1 MB = 1024 KB. w. RAM is an example of primary memory. x. The octal number system uses the digits from 0 to 7 y. A computer system comprise of both hardware and software. z. Software represents the set of programs that directs the computer how to work.  3. STATE TRUE OR FALSE. a. Another name for internal memory is primary memory. TRUE	 b. A hard disk can store less data than CD. FALSE c. Software represent to the physical components of a computer. FALSE d. A projector is input device. FALSE e. Interpreter is an utility software. TRUE f. The first-generation computers used transistor. FALSE g. Atanasoff Berry Computer was the first electronic computers. TRUE h. IBM 604 is an example of second-generation computers. TRUE i. UNIVAC I was one of the first commercially available computers. TRUE j. ROM is volatile. FALSE k. A group of eight bits is called nibble. FALSE l. Computer does not understand any language other than machine language. TRUE m. Pen drives use flash memory to store data. TRUE n. The monitor is a soft copy output device. TRUE o. A compiler translates a program written in machine language into a program written level language. FALSE p. Bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer. TRUE  4. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS: a. Who is known as the father of the modern computer? Charles Babbage  b. What is a computer? A computer is an electronic device that performs a function based on a given set of instructions called a program. OR A computer is an electronic device   c. Name a popular pointing device. Mouse is a popular pointing device.  d. Who invented Jacquard’s loom? Joseph Jacquard invented Jacquard’s loom.  e. Give the full form of ENIAC and EDVAC.  f. Give two examples of second-generation computers. IBM604 and IBM1401 are the two examples of second-generation computers.  g. What is AI? AI is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets the means and methods of making computers think like human beings.  h. Give two examples of secondary memories. Hard disk, Pen drive, CDs, DVDs, etc.  i. What does the CPU do? The CPU is a hardware that enables our computer to interact with all the application and program installed and also it is responsible for handling the processing of logical and mathematical operation and executing programs.  j. Why we used secondary memory? We use secondary memory to stores large amount of data in computer.  k. Give two examples of pointing devices? Mouse, Keyboard, scanner, Joystick etc. are two examples of pointing devices.  l. Which input device is used to record sound. Microphone  m. What is the used of barcode reader? A barcode reader is an optical scanner which is used to read information contained in a bar code.  n. What is system software? Give two examples. System software is a set of programs designed to provide a platform for other software. Example – LINUX, WINDOWS, MACOS, UNIX, etc. OR System software is a set of programs designed to operate hardware and control the internal operations of a computer. Example – LINUX, WINDOWS, MACOS, UNIX, etc.  o. What is the role of CU? The role of control unit is to regulates and integrates the operation of all the other components of the computer system.  p. What is the function of ALU? ALU is a part of the CPU where various computing functions are performed on data. It perform all arithmetic operation such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and logical operations.  q. What do you understand by memory word? Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain and later retrieve information.  r. What is the function of compiler? The function of compiler is to translates a programming language’s source code into machine code or another programing language.  s. What is the main limitation of a computer? The main limitation of a computer is that it doesn’t have its own IQ.  t. Mention three main feature of a computer. Three main features of a computer are: i. Speed: it can carry out millions of instructions per second. ii. Accuracy: it can work at a very high speed without losing accuracy. iii. Diligence: it does not get tired of performing repetitive task.  u. What is a computer program? A computer program is a set of programs that direct the computer how to work. OR ( u can also write the below answer) A Computer program is a series of instructions that tell the computer to perform an action.  v. What are the fundamental components of a computer systems? The fundamental components of computer system are: i. Accepting data or instruction ii. Processing data or storing data. iii. Displaying result. iv. Controlling and coordinating all operations inside a compute.  w. What is application software? Application software is a set of programs developed to carry out complete operation for specific purpose.  x. Mention various categories of application software. Application software can be further divided into two categories: i. General-Purpose Application Software (Packages) ii. Specific- Purpose Application Software   y. What do you understand by computer memory? Computer memory is the storage space in the computer, where data is to be processed and instructions required for processing are stored.WEB IMG

      CHAPTER -1




      a. Which of the following is not an output device?


      b. Which one of the following is the “brain” of the computer?


      c. A collection of eight bits is called


      d. Second generation computer were manufactured using which technology?


      e. Storage of 1KB means the following number of bytes:


      f. Which of the following is not hardware?


      g. Fourth generation computer used.


      h. Which one of the following is a special-purpose application software?

      Payroll system

      i. The base of Octal Number System is


      j. Who is known as the father of the modern computer?

      Charles Babbage


      2. Fill in the blanks:

      a. The first-generation computer used magnetic drums for storage.

      b. The third-generation computers replaced transistors with integrated circuit.

      c. Resisters are high speed temporary storage area.

      d. Bit is the short form of binary digit.

      e. A group of four bit is called nibble.

      f. Memory holds data, programs and instructions for computer.

      g. A microphone is input device.

      h. A program is set of instructions to perform a specific task.

      i. Antiviruses software are used to scan the computers for viruses.

      j. The decimal system is composed of ten digits.

      k. Atonasoff Berry Computer was the first fully electronic general-purpose computer.

      l. UNIVAC-I was one of the first commercially available computers.

      m. An assembler converts the program written in assembly language into machine language.

      n. Processing take place in the CPU.

      o. The ALU performs the arithmetic and logical operations.

      p. RAM is volatile memory.

      q. ROM stores basic input/output instructions to operate the computer.

      r. EPROM memory is an electronic non-volatile storage medium that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.

      s. Data and instructions are given to the computer through its input device.

      t. Raw data is processed by the computer to produced output.

      u. Result are obtained from the computer through its output device.

      v. 1 MB = 1024 KB.

      w. RAM is an example of primary memory.

      x. The octal number system uses the digits from 0 to 7

      y. A computer system comprise of both hardware and software.

      z. Software represents the set of programs that directs the computer how to work.



      a. Another name for internal memory is primary memory. TRUE        

      b. A hard disk can store less data than CD. FALSE

      c. Software represent to the physical components of a computer. FALSE

      d. A projector is input device. FALSE

      e. Interpreter is an utility software. TRUE

      f. The first-generation computers used transistor. FALSE

      g. Atanasoff Berry Computer was the first electronic computers. TRUE

      h. IBM 604 is an example of second-generation computers. TRUE

      i. UNIVAC I was one of the first commercially available computers. TRUE

      j. ROM is volatile. FALSE

      k. A group of eight bits is called nibble. FALSE

      l. Computer does not understand any language other than machine language. TRUE

      m. Pen drives use flash memory to store data. TRUE

      n. The monitor is a soft copy output device. TRUE

      o. A compiler translates a program written in machine language into a program written level language. FALSE

      p. Bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer. TRUE



      a. Who is known as the father of the modern computer?

      Charles Babbage

      b. What is a computer?

      A computer is an electronic device that performs a function based on a given set of instructions called a program.

      c. Name a popular pointing device.

      Mouse is a popular pointing device.

      d. Who invented Jacquard’s loom?

      Joseph Jacquard invented Jacquard’s loom.

      e. Give the full form of ENIAC and EDVAC.

       Click me 👨‍🦰 to get the Full Forms

      f. Give two examples of second-generation computers.

      IBM604 and IBM1401 are the two examples of second-generation computers.

      g. What is AI?

      AI is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets the means and methods of making computers think like human beings.

      h. Give two examples of secondary memories.

      Hard disk, Pen drive, CDs, DVDs, etc.

      i. What does the CPU do?

      The CPU is a hardware that enables our computer to interact with all the application and program installed and also it is responsible for handling the processing of logical and mathematical operation and executing programs.

      j. Why we used secondary memory?

      We use secondary memory to stores large amount of data in computer.

      k. Give two examples of pointing devices?

      Mouse, Keyboard, scanner, Joystick etc. are two examples of pointing devices.

      l. Which input device is used to record sound.


      m. What is the used of barcode reader?

      A barcode reader is an optical scanner which is used to read information contained in a bar code.

      n. What is system software? Give two examples.

      System software is a set of programs designed to provide a platform for other software. Example – LINUX, WINDOWS, MACOS, UNIX, etc.


      System software is a set of programs designed to operate hardware and control the internal operations of a computer. Example – LINUX, WINDOWS, MACOS, UNIX, etc.

      o. What is the role of CU?

      The role of control unit is to regulates and integrates the operation of all the other components of the computer system.

      p. What is the function of ALU?

      ALU is a part of the CPU where various computing functions are performed on data. It perform all arithmetic operation such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and logical operations.

      q. What do you understand by memory word?

      Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain and later retrieve information.

      r. What is the function of compiler?

      The function of compiler is to translates a programming language’s source code into machine code or another programing language.

      s. What is the main limitation of a computer?

      The main limitation of a computer is that it doesn’t have its own IQ.

      t. Mention three main feature of a computer.

      Three main features of a computer are:

      i. Speed: it can carry out millions of instructions per second.

      ii. Accuracy: it can work at a very high speed without losing accuracy.

      iii. Diligence: it does not get tired of performing repetitive task.

      u. What is a computer program?

      A computer program is a set of programs that direct the computer how to work.

      OR ( u can also write the below answer)

      A Computer program is a series of instructions that tell the computer to perform an action. 

      v. What are the fundamental components of a computer systems?

      The fundamental components of computer system are:

      i. Accepting data or instruction

      ii. Processing data or storing data.

      iii. Displaying result.

      iv. Controlling and coordinating all operations inside a compute.

      w. What is application software?

      Application software is a set of programs developed to carry out complete operation for specific purpose.

      x. Mention various categories of application software.

      Application software can be further divided into two categories:

      i. General-Purpose Application Software (Packages)

      ii. Specific- Purpose Application Software

      y. What do you understand by computer memory?

      Computer memory is the storage space in the computer, where data is to be processed and instructions required for processing are stored.

      Long Answer questions:


      a. Mention four feature of a computer system.

      Four features of computer system are:

      1. Speed: computer can carry millions of instructions per second

      2. Accuracy: Computer work at a very high speed without losing accuracy.

      3. Diligence: Unlike humans, computers do not get tired of performing repetitive task.

      4. Storage capacity: Computer have the ability to store data and programs.


      b. Mention the characteristics feature of third generation computer.

      The third-generation computer replaced transistors with Integrated Circuits (IC), known as chips, the integrated chip drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers. The third-generation computers were more powerful, more reliable relatively less expensive and faster.


      c. What do you understand by generation of computers? Mention two disadvantages of first- generation computers.

      Generation of computer refers to the different advancements of new computer technology. Generation of computer is often used in relation to the hardware of computers. With each new generation of computer, the circuitry becomes smaller and more advance than that used in the previous generation.

      Two disadvantages of first-generation computer are:

      1. Computer were limited to solving one problem at a time.

      2. Computer were slow and bulky.


      d. Describe the function of CPU.

      CPU is the most important part of a computer system as it is the brain of the computer system. It manipulates the coded information that represents input according to a program and converts them into coded information that represents the desire results. It is also responsible for activating and controlling the operations of other unit of a computer system.

      The CPU is consisting of three basic components:

      1. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)

      2. CU (Control Unit)

      3. Registers


      e. Draw a block diagram of a computer system.


      block-diagram-of-a-computer-system jpg image


      f. What are the categories of printer? Explain.

      Printer can be divided into two distinct categories:

      1. Impact printer:  In these printers, there is a physical contact between the print head and paper. Impact printers are subdivided into line printers and character printers.

       Line printer: prints one line of text at a time. Examples of line printer are- drum and chain printer.

      Character printer: prints one character of text at a time. Examples of character printer are- Dot Matrix printer and Chain printer.

      2. Non- Impact Printer: In these printers, there is no physical contact between the print head and paper. Non-Impact printer are faster than impact printer. The main types of non-impact printer are inkjet printer, thermal printer, electromagnetic printer, and laser printer


      g. What is bus? Explain three types of buses.

      Buses are electrical wires which connects the various components and transfer data between them. There are three main buses. These are:

      Data bus: It carries data from the memory to the CPU and the CPU to the memory.

      Address bus: It carries address from the CPU to the memory.

      Control bus: It Carries instruction between the CPU and other parts of the computer.

      h. What are functions of primary storage area?

      The function of primary storage areas are:

      1. It hold input data and instructions.

      2. It holds data that is beings processed and the processing instructions.

      3. It holds intermediate result of processing.

      4. It holds final result of processing.


      i. Explain three types of ROM.

      Three types of ROM are:

      PROM is read-only memory that can be programmed to store information only once by a user. It is not erasable.

      EPROM: can be reprogrammed to record different information. The recorded information can be erased by exposing it ultra-violet light.

      EEPROM: can be programed and erased electrically.


      j. What is a purpose of a language processor? Explain the three language processors.

      Language processor are system software that translate programs written in assembly level language or high-level language into its equivalent machine language program. Assembler, compiler and interpreter are language processors.


      k. Differentiate between data and information.

      The difference between data and information is that:

      Data are simple text and numbers, while information is processed and interpreted data. Whereas,

      Information refers to facts concerning a particular event or subject, which are refined by processing.


      l. Write a short note on fifth-generation computers.

      The fifth-generation computer system was an initiative by Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry, began in 1982. Fifth-generation computer based on the concepts of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets the means and methods of making computers think like human being.

      Fifth-generation computer are still in developed, through there are some applications, such as voice recognition, programs that could translate documents from one language to another.


      m. What are basic differences between the four generation of computer?

      The basic differences between the four generation computers are:

      First generation computers are based on vacuum tube and used machine language.

      Second generation computers are based on transistors and used assembly language.

      Third generation computer are based on integrated circuit and used high level languages. They are first computers to use operating system.

      Fourth generation computers are based on microprocessor and used advanced high-level language. The size of computer become smaller and cheaper.


      n. Write a short note on MARK I.

      In 1943, America Computer Engineer devised the first electromechanical computer named Mark-I. it was able to multiply two-digit numbers in 5 seconds. Mark-I was the first machine which could perform to preprogrammed instruction automatically. It was the first operational general-purpose computer.


      o. Explain the two main types of secondary memory.

      There are various types of secondary storage devices. These storage media can be broadly divided into two categories: magnetic and optical media. Magnetic media is coated with a magnetic layer. In optical media information is stored and read by laser beam.


      p. Describe various types of magnetic media.

      Various types of magnetic media are:

      Floppy disks: a floppy disk is a flexible disk with a magnetic coating on it.

      Hard disk: A hard disk is a basically a set of disks known as platters, each with its own read/write head. Data is recorded on the surface of the disk magnetically.

      Magnetic tapes: It van hold a large amount of data. It is available in the form of cassettes, reels, and cartridges.


      q. Mention some areas where computers are used widely.

      Some areas where computers are used are:

      Education: Computer are used in education sector for taking online classes, online examinations, referring e-book, online tutoring etc.

      Home: Computer are used at homes for several purposes like watching movies, online bill payment, home tutoring, playing games, internet access, social media access, etc.

      Business: Almost every business uses computer nowadays. Computers are used for maintaining staff records, transaction processing, sales forecasting, production planning, create presentation and report, etc.

      Government: Various government department use computers to improve the quality and efficiency of their services.


      r. What are the major operations performed by a computer?

      A computer basically performs five major operations:

      1. Accepting data or instructions

      2. Processing data

      3. Storing data

      4. Displaying results

      5. Controlling and coordinating all operations inside a computer


      s. Differentiate between the following pairs:

      I. Input Unit and Output Unit

      Input device: These components help the users to enter data and commands into a computer system. Examples of input devices are Keyboard, mouse, scanner, microphone etc.


      Output device: These devices are needed to get output from the computer. Example of input devices are monitor, printer, projector, etc.


      II. RAM and ROM

      RAM hold data, programs and instructions for computer. The CPU can access data directly from RAM almost immediately. The contents of RAM can be accessed randomly. i.e., in any order.

      ROM: In ROM, information once stored remains fixed i.e., it cannot be changed. So, ROM can only be read and used. The contents of ROM are written by the manufacturer and come along with the computer. ROM stores basic input/output instructions to operate the computer.


      III. Soft copy and Hard copy

      Soft copy:  The output produced on a VDU is called soft copy.

      Hard copy: The output produced on a paper is called the hard copy.


      IV. Primary memory and Secondary memory.

      Since the computer’s primary memory is temporary, secondary memory devices are used to store data and programs permanently for later use. The secondary memory is non-volatile. Primary memory has a limited storage capacity. So secondary memory devices are used to store large amount of data.


      V. Impact-Printer and Non-impact printer

      In these printers, there is a physical contact between the print head and paper while in non-impact printers, there is no physical contact between the print head and paper.


      VI. Assembler and Compiler

      An assembler converts the program written in assembly language into machine language while a compiler and an interpreter convert the program written in high level language into machine language.


      VII. Hardware and Software

      Hardware represents to physical components of a computer system. These components can be seen and touched. Input devices, output devices, CPU, memory devices etc are example of hardware. While,

      Software represents the set of programs that directs the computer how to work. For example, Microsoft Office, Windows OS, etc.


      VIII. System Software and Application Software

      System software is a set of programs designed to operate hardware and control the internal operation of a computer. System software provides a platform for running application software. Whereas, Application software is a set of programs developed to carry out complete operations for a specific purpose. These are the program written by the programmers to performs a specific task.

      Table of Content