Chapter - 5 Clip art and Smart art title

    Computer Science
    Class - 8
    Chapter- 5
    Using Clip Art and SmartArt

    A. Fill in the blanks:

    1. Word allows us to insert a variety of graphics in our documents like   and

    2. A SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of your information and ideas.

    3. When you insert SmartArt in your document, SmartArt tools appears on the ribbon.

    4. Inserted images can be a variety of file formats like jpg, bmp, and gif.

    5. We can insert any images in the form of pictures and photograph in a document.

    6. To use Clip Art in Word, you need to open the Clip Organizer.

    7. An additional Format tab appears on the ribbon when you insert a ClipArt.

    8. To add SmartArt to a document click the insert tab on the ribbon.

    9. Clip Organizer is the utility available in Microsoft Office.

    10. You can click and drag and drop the clip art to another position in your document.


    B. True or False:

    1. Clip Art can be inserted in a document using the Picture tool in the illustration group from the Ribbon. TRUE

    2. Clip Art are the images we have drawn and save in our document. FALSE

    3. Smart Art style can be changed by formatting the Smart Art diagram. TRUE

    4. Clip Art includes all the types of media – images, pictures, audio clips and video clips. TRUE

    5. Smart Art tools appears on the ribbon with two tab. TRUE

    6. Each Smart Art object is called a diagram. TRUE

    7. You can also cut or copy and paste the clip art to a new location. TRUE

    8. A picture file store can be including on your computer in a word document. TRUE


    C. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is a Clip Art?

    Clip Art is a collection of pictures or images that can be imported in to a document or another program.

    2. Name the types of media include in Clip Art.

    The types of media include in Clip Art are:

    i) Images

    ii) Pictures

    iii) Audio clip

    iv) Video clips

    3. What is Clip Organizer?

    Clip Organizer is a utility available in Microsoft Office which catalogues and organizes all Clip Art in our computer system in an easy to access and use format. It organizes the various clips on the basic of type of media, keywords and categories.

    4. How will you use Clip Art in Word?

    To use Clip Art in Word, we need to open the Clip Organizer and select the required Clip Art.

    5. What you see when you insert a Clip Art in the document?

    As soon as we insert a clip art in the document, an additional format tab is highlighted on the Ribbon which let us format the inserted graphic accordingly.


    6. What is Smart Art graphics? How to create Smart Art graphics?

    Smart Art graphics is a visual representation of our information and ideas.

    We can create Smart Art graphics by choosing from many different layouts to quickly, easy and effectively communicate your message.

    7. Name the Smart Art tools that appears on the Ribbon with two tabs.

    The two Smart Art tools that appears on the Ribbon with two tabs are:

    i) Design Tab

    ii) Format Tab

    8. How will you add Smart Art to your document?

    To add Smart Art to a document, we need to follow the given steps below:

    i) Click the Insert tba on the Ribbon.

    ii) In the Illustration group, Click Smart Art icon.

    (The Smart Art dialog box appears with various Smart Art options under different categories)

    iii) Select the Smart Art you want from the appropriate category.

    iv) Click OK.

    (The selected Smart Art diagram is inserted in your document)

    9. Write the steps to insert a Clip Art in your document.

    To insert a Clip Art in our document, we need to follow the given steps below:

    i) Click the Insert tab on the ribbon.

    ii) In the Illustration group, click Clip Art.

    (Clip Art task pane appears on the right side)

    iii) In the Search for text box, type the word o phrases describing the ClipArt that you want.

    iv) Click Go button. (The Clip Art task pane displays all possible matches.

    v) From the lists displayed, locate the Clip Art you wish to use.

    vi) To insert your selected Clip Art, click on the arrow button and click on Insert option


    vii) Double click the Clip Art.

    Word will insert the ClipArt in the document.

    10. Write the steps to change the color style of a Smart Art diagram.

    To Change the color style of a Smart Art object, we need to follow the given steps below:

    i) click anywhere on the SmartArt diagram to select it.

    ii) Form the Design tab under the SmartArt Tools options, click on the arrow button at the right edge in the Smart Art Styles group.

    (A list of various styles for the SmartArt is displayed)

    iii) Move the pointer over a style to see a preview style to apply it.

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