Class 10 Internet Service chapter 2 image
    CLASS- 10
    Internet Service

    1. Fill in the blanks

    a. The inbox folder contains the detail of incoming messages.

    b. Exploring information on the Web is called surfing.

    c. An E-mail is a much quicker means of correspondence than an ordinary post.

    d. An e-mail address has two main parts: User’s login name and host name

    e. A blogger is a person who posts entries in a blog.

    f. Netiquettes are the conventional rules for correct behavior on the internet.

    g. A search engine is a program that is designed to search for information on the World wide web.

    h. Online textual talk is called Chatting.

    i. FTP protocol helps you to exchange files between computers on the Internet.

    j. Buying and selling of products on the internet is called E- commerce

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    2. Write True or False

    a. Information retrieval covers accessing and obtaining information from the World Wide Web. TRUE

    b. E-mail is one of the most widely used applications on the internet. TRUE

    c. You cannot attach a picture to an e-mail message. FALSE

    d. Through e-mail, a message takes an hour to reach any part of the world. FALSE

    e. You need not be at your computer to receive an e-mail. TRUE

    f. You cannot add emotions to your e-mail. FALSE

    g. There is no disadvantage of e-commerce. FALSE

    h. E- commerce facility is available for only 12 hour a day. FALSE

    i. Cloud is a space on the internet that can be used for storage of files and online sharing. TRUE

    j. You can send the same message to several people at the same time. TRUE

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    3. Choose the correct options.

    a. Some examples of search engine are

    All of these

    b. Which of the following can be attached to an e-mail message?

    All of these

    c. The option used to send a received message to someone else is


    d. The technology that uses the Internet and central remote servers to maintain data and application is

    Cloud computing

    e. Individual articles on a blog are called

    Blog post

    f. ___ means to transfer files from your computer’s hard disk drive to the computer system you have accessed by a modem.


    g. ___ is the simplest way to exchange files between computers on the Internet.


    h. Which of the following are types of e-banking?

    All of these (ATM, Mobile banking, Telephone Banking)

    i. Which of the following are advantages of e-banking?

    All of these ( it saves time, Service is provided 24 x 7, it reduce paperwork)

    j. The folder that contains details of incoming messages is


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    1. Short answer questions:

    a. What do you mean by information retrieval?

    Information retrieval means accessing and obtaining information from the world wide web.

    b. What is Web surfing?

    Exploring information on the web is called Web Surfing.

    c. Mention the names of any two popular e-mail programs?

    The two popular e-mail programs are:

    i) ii) iii)

    d. What do you mean by spam?

    Spam is an unwanted that is sent to multiple recipients who have not specifically requested for that e-mail message.

    e. Mention the types of files that can be attached to an e-mail message.

    The names of files that can be attached to an e-mail message are word documents, photographs, presentation, and sound files.

    f. What are chat rooms?(you can write any one)

    Chat rooms is a special area for online chat offered by websites.


    Websites offering online chat also provide special areas for chatting are called chat rooms.

    g. What is FTP? (you can write any one)

    FTP is the simplest way to exchange file between computers on the internet.


    FTP is a standard protocol that is used to transfer files between computer and servers over a network. Such as Internet

    h. What is the advantage of e-sites?

    The advantage of e-sites is that it offers services that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    i. Give examples of two e-learning sites?

    The two examples of e-learning sites are:



    j. Give one limitation of e-banking.

    One limitation of e-banking is

    1. Security is one of the major issues of e-banking transaction.

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    2. Long answer question:

    a. What is e-mail? Mention any two advantages of using e-mail.

    E-mail is an electronic exchange of messages from one computer to another.

    Two advantages of E-mail are:

    i) Speed: An e-mail is a faster means of correspondence than an ordinary. A message can reach any part of the world in fraction of second through e-mail.

    ii) Content: The message that you want to send via e-mail may consist of only a dew lines or several hundred lines of text. Unlike the postal service, the message is not charge by weight.

    b. What are the two parts of an email? Explain with an example?

    The two parts of an e-mail are:

    1. The user’s login name

    2. The hostname.

    Example: where, ‘microsoft23’ refers to user’s login name and ‘gmail’ refers to hostname (of Goggle)


    c. Explain the following feature of an e-mail program.

    1. Inbox 2. Draft  3. Sent

    1. Inbox: It is the feature of e-mail program that gives you information on all the incoming mails.

    2. Draft: It is the feature of e-mail program which gives the details of all sent messages.

    3. Sent: It is the feature of e-mail program which gives the details of all sent messages.

    d. What are Netiquettes? Explain any two.

    Netiquette or network etiquettes are the conventional rules for correct behavior on the Internet.

    There are simple guidelines to be followed by all Internet users while sending messages. Some of them are:

    1. No Flaming: Angry or heated messages are called flames. When you send such types of messages you offend the recipients and are, therefore, not encouraged.

    2. Turn off caps lock: Typing your message in capital letter in your emails is considered as shouting at the recipient. Enclosing text in asterisks (*) is the accepted method of emphasizing any part of a message.

    e. What is a search engine? Give few examples of search engine.

    A search engine is a program that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web.

    Example: Google, Bing, Yahoo, Khoj

    f. How is Video Conferencing different from Chatting?

    The different between Video Conferencing and Chatting are given below:



    -It uses video calls for communication

    -It uses text for communication

    -It imitates like real-life meeting environment

    -It imitates real-time meeting environment.

    -Example of video conferencing software is Skype.

    -Example of chatting software is Messenger.

     g. Write any three advantages of Video Conferencing.

    Three advantages of Video Conferencing are:

    1. Faculty member can keep in touch with the class even they are away for a meeting or conference.

    2. An employer is one city can interview a candidate in another city.

    3. Using VTC, physicians can discuss cases across large distances during emergencies.


    h. What do you mean by e-commerce? List the advantages of e-commerce.

    E-commerce means buying and selling of any product through the Internet. It is a way enabling or doing business over the Internet.

    The advantages of e-commerce are:

    1. It is easy to start a business at low cost. An increasing number of consumers are drawn by the convenience of shopping at home.

    2. It is available 24 x 7 (24 hour on all seven days of a week)

    3. The buying and selling procedure are fast.


    i. Differentiate between downloading and uploading files.

    Downloading files means the transfer of files from a remote system to our computer system.

    Whereas, Uploading files means the transfer of files from our computer’s hard disk drive to another remote system.

    j. What are the benefits of e-learning to students and teachers?

    The benefits of e-learning to students are:

    i)  It reduce the travel time and cost.

    ii) It developed

    iii)  It promotes self-paced learning.


    The benefits of e-learning to Teachers are:

    i) The lesson can be made more interactive by combining text, video, animation etc.

    ii) The same content is delivered to every learner, thus preventing problems caused when different teachers supply different materials on same subjects.

    iii) The cost associate with infrastructure, instructor’s salary, etc, is reduce.

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    Application based Questions:

    1. Consider the screen of give alongside and answer the following questions:

    a. In which box do you write the e-mail address of the person to whom you want to send an e-mail?

    b. Can you send the same mail to more than one person at the same time?

    c. What is the use of Cc and Bcc options?

    d. Which buttons will you click to send this e-mail?

    Ans: a) We will write the email address of the person to whom we want to send an e-mail in the uppermost box ‘To’

    b) Yes, we can send the same mail to more than one person at the same time.

    c) The use of Cc option is that it allows us to send the same message to several people with their IDs.

    The use of Bcc option is that it allows us to send the same message to several people at the same time without letting them known about others who have also received the same message.

    d) We will click the “Send” button to send this e-mail.


    2. Samee’s brother suggested to him that he should buy books and other items through the internet as websites offer attractive discounts.

    a) What is the term used for buying things on the internet?

    b) Mention two advantages of buying things on the Internet.

    Ans: a) The term used for buying things on the Internet is E-shopping.

     b) Two advantages of buying things on the Internet are:

    i) It prevents travel time.

    ii) It can provide a better deal on a product as the same product is available on many websites.


    3. Navyaa noticed that her mother obtained her bank account statement through the Internet.

    a) What is the term used for this type if service?

    b) Mention any two advantages of this type of service.

    c) Mention any one limitation of this service.

    Ans: a) The term used for this type of service is e-banking.

    b) Two advantages if e-banking are

    i) It save time.  ii) It helps reduce paperwork

    c) One limitation of e-banking is: Security is one of the major issue of e-banking transaction.


    4. Gagan is a very active Facebook user.

    a) What is the general name given to this type of a website?

    b) What are the benefits if these types of Websites?

    c) What are the various safety measure that should be taken on such websites?

    Ans: a) The general name given to this type of website is Social Networking Sites.

    b) The benefits of these types of website are:

    i) They provide a good way to make connections with people of similar interest.

    ii) Making new friends and connecting with old friends has become very easy.

    iii) These sites offer a great platform for advertisers to market their products and services to their subscribers.

    c) The Safety measure that should be taken on such websites are:

    i) We should not post any private information like mobile phone number, home address etc. on social media.

    ii) We can also adjust our privacy settings on social networking sites, so as to control who can access our information.


    5. Yamini’s Science teacher has put up the holiday homework on the school’s website. Students were asked to access it and do the homework.

    a) What is the term used for putting assignments on the website?

    b) What is the term used for transferring the assignments from the website server to your computer?

    Ans: a) The term used for putting assignments on the website is E-learning.

    b) The term used for transferring the assignment from the website server to your computer is downloading.

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